
MOUNTADAPT brings together 27 partners, including universities, research centers, local institutions, health systems, NGOs, companies, and innovators. They pool their expertise, knowledge, and resources to transform health systems to be resilient against the challenges posed by climate change in mountainous regions.

Partners play different roles within the project:

Coordination and support partners provide project management as well as scientific, technical, and communications coordination and support.

Demonstration sites will pilot the implementation of the solutions identified within the project. The parties involved in piloting the solutions include local public authorities, healthcare facilities, and technical support partners such as universities and public agencies.

Replication sites will implement some of the solutions tested in pilot areas, to showcase their effectiveness beyond mountainous regions. Each site is represented by a distinct actor from the health system: a hospital, a public health authority, and a city council.

Solution providers supply the project’s adaptation tools and solutions and lead their co-design, co-development, and testing within health systems.

Coordination partners

Euroquality (project coordinator)
National Centre for Scientific Research – Demokritos (project scientific coordinator)
Health Care Without Harm Europe (Communications coordinator)

Support partners

Hamburg Institute of International Economics
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”
University of Deusto
Consorcio de la Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos

Demonstration sites

Amt Der Tiroler Landesregierung
Tirol Kliniken Gmbh
UMIT-TIROL Private Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften und technologie GmbH
Austrian National Public Health Institute
Grenoble-Alpes Métropole
Grenoble Alpes University Hospital
Grenoble Alpes University
Direcția de Asistență Socială Alba Iulia
Logo Alba Iulia
Alba Iulia
Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca Maribor
Občina Selnica ob Dravi
Energy and Climate Agency of Podravje

Replication sites

Servei Andorrà d’Atenció Sanitària (Andorra)
Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență „Pius Brînzeu” Timișoara (Romania)
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Germany)

Solution providers

SUEZ Aria Technologies
Floralis – UGA Filiale
Scientific and Technical Centre for Building