MOUNTADAPT brings together 27 partners, including universities, research centers, local institutions, health systems, NGOs, companies, and innovators. They pool their expertise, knowledge, and resources to transform health systems to be resilient against the challenges posed by climate change in mountainous regions.
Partners play different roles within the project:
Coordination and support partners provide project management as well as scientific, technical, and communications coordination and support.
Demonstration sites will pilot the implementation of the solutions identified within the project. The parties involved in piloting the solutions include local public authorities, healthcare facilities, and technical support partners such as universities and public agencies.
Replication sites will implement some of the solutions tested in pilot areas, to showcase their effectiveness beyond mountainous regions. Each site is represented by a distinct actor from the health system: a hospital, a public health authority, and a city council.
Solution providers supply the project’s adaptation tools and solutions and lead their co-design, co-development, and testing within health systems.
Coordination partners

Euroquality (project coordinator)
Euroquality is a French consulting company, part of the Warrant-Hub-Tinexta Group, specialised in European projects setting up and management. They support innovation with all organisations active in R&D, with great experience on collaborative projects focusing, amongst others, on climate resilience and health systems.

National Centre for Scientific Research – Demokritos (project scientific coordinator)
The National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSRD) was founded in July 1961 as a Research Centre for Nuclear Research. Today, NCSRD is Greece’s largest multidisciplinary research centre with approximately 180 researchers in tenured and tenure-track positions and over 500 research personnel working in projects funded mainly by grants from state funds, the European Union, and private industries.

Health Care Without Harm Europe (Communications coordinator)
Health Care Without Harm Europe exists to create a sustainable healthcare sector. One that does no harm to patients or our planet. One that acts as a catalyst, inspiring action right across society to protect human health and the environment. One that drives change in communities, so people can live more healthily on a healthier planet.
Support partners

Hamburg Institute of International Economics
The Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) is an independent, privately financed economic research institute. HWWI is committed to evidence-based economic policy. Evidence-based research requires basing economic policy recommendations on empirical analyses rather than beliefs. To achieve this, HWWI researchers primarily use modern econometric methods, including causal analysis, time series analysis, and spatial econometrics.

Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”
CRIMEDIM is an academic centre within the University of Eastern Piedmont (Italy) focused on research, education, and training in disaster medicine and humanitarian health. It aims to enhance the resilience of health systems in emergencies, disasters, and humanitarian crises through innovative research projects and advanced training programs. CRIMEDIM’s vision is to equip health systems with the ability to protect people’s health effectively, minimizing deaths, injuries, disabilities, and human suffering with a competent and professional workforce.

University of Deusto
The University of Deusto, founded in 1886, is a dynamic institution committed to the promotion of research excellence, with the internationalisation of research at the core of its strategic plan. Theirinnovative 6 ‘I’s model focuses on the expanding critical role of universities as social innovators and proposes ways to shape performance through principles of collaboration (internationalisation, interdisciplinarity and intersectorality) and action (impact, innovation and inclusion).

Consorcio de la Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos
The Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP, by its Spanish and French acronym) is a cross-border, inter-territorial organisation created in 1983 with the support of the Council of Europe. The CTP is made up of the French regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie; the Principality of Andorra; and the Spanish Autonomous Communities of Catalonia, Aragon, Navarre and the Basque Country.
Demonstration sites

Amt Der Tiroler Landesregierung
The Office of the Tyrolean Provincial Government is the business organisation responsible for carrying out the tasks of the provincial administration. It comprises 51 departments and eight district authorities and sees itself as a modern service provider for the Tyrolean population.

Tirol Kliniken Gmbh
As the largest healthcare provider in Western Austria, Tirol Kliniken GmbH oversees three hospitals, one elderly care home, one educational facility, and eleven affiliated companies. The hospital in Innsbruck offers the widest range of services in all medical specialities, with 1,423 standardised beds and a workforce of 5,214 full-time equivalent staff members. In addition to Innsbruck being known as the heat capital of Austria, the clinic’s location is recognised as a significant heat zone within the city.

UMIT-TIROL Private Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften und technologie GmbH
UMIT TIROL is a university that has specialized in new research areas in health sciences and technology. The main goals are to develop and apply interdisciplinary methods to guide comprehensive, systematic and practice-oriented assessment of measures and procedures in public health and medicine, to connect with industry and health policy partners supporting decision-making in health care.

Austrian National Public Health Institute
The Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, GÖG) is the institution responsible for researching and planning public healthcare in Austria, and also acts as the national competence and funding centre for the promotion of health. The department “Competence Center for Climate and Health – Climate Resilience and One Health” brings together expertise from the fields of public health, epidemiology, meteorology, climatology, psychology, as well as health, socio-economic, and ecological economics. It develops scientific content and data foundations for a climate-resilient development of the Austrian healthcare system.

Grenoble-Alpes Métropole
Grenoble Alpes Métropole (GAM) is a public metropolitan authority gathering 49 municipalities and 450,000 inhabitants living in a large territory made-up of dense central urban areas and a surrounding alpine territory. GAM is in charge of many local policies from urban planning to environmental policies, among others.
Within MOUNTADAPT, GAM will closely work with CHUGA and UGA/Floralis to test solutions for an improved management of health at the territorial scale.

Grenoble Alpes University Hospital
With over 2,100 beds and places, Grenoble Alpes University Hospital Center (CHUGA) is France’s 12th largest hospital. It employs over 11,500 professionals, including 1,700 doctors. It boasts a high-performance technical platform and provides highly specialized care.
More than 100 professions work together every day, contributing directly or indirectly to the hospital’s mission of care, teaching, research and prevention.
The CHUGA’s 3 essential missions are : Care, Training, and Research.
Within MOUNTADAPT, CHUGA will closely work with UGA, Floralis and GAM to test solutions for an improved management of health at the territorial scale.

Grenoble Alpes University
Multi-disciplinary and open to the world, Grenoble Alpes University (UGA) brings together the strengths of public higher education in Grenoble and Valence. In association with national research organisations and major international instruments present on their territory, they are building their research and innovation policy on a global scale.. Their university gathers 7,000 students, including 3,000 doctoral students, and 4,600 professors, lecturers and researchers.
They rank in the top 150 of the Shanghai ranking and in the top 10 of French higher education establishments.

Direcția de Asistență Socială Alba Iulia
The Social Assistance Directorate, Alba Iulia (DAS) is the public institution subordinated to the Local Council that ensures, in a non-discriminatory manner, the implementation of social assistance measures for persons with disabilities, elderly, children, refugees, migrants and any other person in need. Their goal is to prevent and overcome situations of difficulty, vulnerability or addiction, prevent marginalisation and social exclusion and increase the quality of life.
DAS is the institution to which citizens go directly to request
socio-medical and educational benefits and services.

Alba Iulia
Alba Iulia Municipality is a medium-sized city in Romania with 74.500 inhabitants also known as the Other Capital. Alba Iulia based its sustainable development on attracting non-reimbursable funding. So far, the municipality managed to attract during the 2007-2024 period over 350 million Euros for Sustainable development projects in virtually all fields. The city is nowadays considered good practice at the national level in this field and is shown as an example of efficient administration oriented towards the needs of the citizens, investors, and tourists.

Zdravstveni dom dr. Adolfa Drolca Maribor
The Community Healthcare Center Dr. Adolf Drolc Maribor (HCM) is a non-profit public institution in the Public Health Network. It offers preventive and curative healthcare services across 12 municipalities, serving around 200,000 residents and covering 739 sq km. HCM works alongside private concessionaires to ensure comprehensive basic healthcare in the region, addressing the diverse needs of its population.

Občina Selnica ob Dravi
The municipality of Selnica ob Drava is a green and development-oriented municipality. Its creation dates back to 1998. It lies in the Drava Valley, on the left bank of the Drava River. It is only 15 km away from the city of Maribor, which is the second largest city in Slovenia and at the same time the regional, administrative, educational, cultural and economic center of northeastern Slovenia.

Energy and Climate Agency of Podravje
The Energy and Climate Agency of Podravje is a non-profit public organisation responsible for planning and implementing sustainable energy and climate project mostly in public sector. ENERGAP is the regional centre of knowledge and ideas providing information, advice, technical assistance and training on climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience.
Replication sites

Servei Andorrà d’Atenció Sanitària (Andorra)
The Andorran Health Care Service (SAAS), established in 1986 as a parapublic entity with legal and financial autonomy, manages all public healthcare resources. It includes Nostra Senyora de Meritxell Hospital, El Cedre socio-health center, Primary Care Centers, the Emergency Medical Service, and the School Health Service, ensuring high-quality care while optimizing resources and fostering professional development.

Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență „Pius Brînzeu” Timișoara (Romania)
Emergency County Clinical Hospital Pius Brinzeu Timisoara is the largest hospital in Western Romania, covering all medical specialties. Research is mainly conducted in the OncoGen Center, which hosts a state-of-the-art Department of Molecular Allergology connected with the Clinical Allergology Department of the hospital. In MOUNTADAPT, the team led by Prof. Carmen Panaitescu coordinates WP4, Upscaling and Replication.

Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Germany)
The Free and Hanseatic city of Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany. The primary climate hazards are flooding, storms and heat waves. The interface to the healthcare sector is primarily the University Medical Centre Eppendorf (UKE). The UKE is one of the most modern hospitals in Europe and one of the largest employers in Hamburg with around 15,300 employees. Around 550,000 patients are treated at the UKE every year.
Solution providers

SUEZ Aria Technologies
SUEZ Aria Technologies offers scientific, modelling, and engineering expertise to assist governments and corporations in addressing air pollution and climate changes. Our key services include emissions inventories and atmospheric dispersion modelling. We also design and maintain air quality monitoring networks, able to provide real-time monitoring. Additionally, we develop decision support systems, digital platforms and alert mechanisms to anticipate and mitigate pollution peaks and plan short to long-term air pollution and c collaborative mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Floralis – UGA Filiale
Floralis is the Grenoble Alpes University (UGA) research development operator. More than an interface between the university’s research laboratories and the socio-economic world, Floralis facilitates opportunities for technological development, collaboration, licensing and start-up creation, and is ISO 9001 certified.

CrisiSoft is a software publisher, consulting firm and trainer specializing in health and emergency services. We draw on our historical triple business to support our customers in taking charge of crisis management. And we are convinced that digital tools can improve collaboration between all those involved in rescue and care, and optimize the way victims are treated.

IRIDEON is a Spanish company, founded by a multidisciplinary team of engineers. They have created a disruptive framework for the development of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, called SENSCAPE®. With it they have prototyped the VECTRACK sensor for automating the surveillance of disease-carrying species of mosquitoes, designed to help prevent outbreaks of arboviruses (Dengue, West Nile Virus, etc.).

Scientific and Technical Centre for Building
CSTB is a public research centre serving both its clients and the public interest. It addresses societal and environmental challenges in construction through a multidisciplinary approach, supporting sustainable innovation, energy transition, and improving living conditions with expertise in BIM and digital modelling.